Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Windows 8 Will Succeed, Just a Matter of Time"

"Windows 8 Will Succeed, Just a Matter of Time"
Several Microsoft executives have said the success of Windows 8 is only a matter of time until people are familiar with the operating system (OS) for the company. Current, a senior computer manufacturer, Vizio, also expressed the same thing.

Quoted from Softpedia, Thursday (04/14/2013), Vizio is one of the companies that bet big on Windows 8. The reason, some tablets and laptops the company was also running Microsoft's latest OS.

Director of Product Development and Mobility Computing Vizio Rob Kermode, said that it takes some time for all users "surf" Windows 8. So in the end, the latest software that will work. 
"This is a new market for us. Windows 8 is a very different user experience, as well as people need time to learn. Microsoft, I think ultimately, it may be admitted that the company did not do a good job in introducing (Windows 8), "Kermode said.

"But overall, we give a touch in any of our products. So we make sure everything is in Windows 8," he continued.